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stephen & rachel: married

you know when you plan to go somewhere and then it kind of sneaks up on you and you hurriedly pack your bags, hoping you don’t forget anything while rapidly tying up any loose end you can think of and then you say goodbye to your family and hop in the car, sure you’ve missed something massive and make your way to a destination and it’s taking quite some time to get there and you think to yourself, “goodness gracious, i sure hope this is worth it”?  well, it probably is.

man alive, i love these two.  would do it all again 10 times over to be there for them on this day.

**for those of you wondering, this venue is not in the lower mainland.  sorry!**

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8 Comments to “stephen & rachel: married”

  1. Tiana says:

    Such amazing shots. Where was this wedding?

  2. Kelly Voros says:

    Hello. Are you able to tell me the location of your venue?

    Beautiful wedding!


  3. Kira says:

    Hi there,

    I can’t see a location anywhere on these pictures. They are so beautiful and the location is exactly what I’m after.. can you confirm where it was?

    Thank you!

  4. Kiera says:

    hello, Sorry if you’ve posted the location already but I was wondering where this barn was located? The pictures look amazing too! Thanks!

  5. Beth Freeman says:

    Looks like you DID get some good shots! Ha. Amazing as usual Sharalee and I love these two so much its silly. Such a Lovely day. They both looked so beautiful and happy.

  6. Laura says:

    so lovely Sharalee! BTW, I love your processing…