« the virgins. | love day »
the winner of the two tickets to see “the cat came back” is laura vanderwel!! i’ll be in touch to get you your prize.
i don’t like cats. anyone who knows me well can attest to that. i’m sorry, cat people, i’ve tried. i really have. my little sister had a cat named cracky (don’t ask) for years and it just never grew on me. i’ve even taken cute pictures of people and their cats. i think their unpredictability scares me.
all that said, my dislike/fear of cats has never stopped me from loving fred penner and the song he made famous, “the cat came back”. and let me tell you, the cat. is back. fred penner himself has written and stars in a musical being presented by the vancouver playhouse theatre this spring. they contacted me this week and offered to give away a pair of tickets on my blog! the tickets are for the performance of “the cat came back” on march 31st at 7pm. doesn’t this look like a fun show? let’s introduce the next generation to the wonder that is fred penner!
here’s how you win:
1. make sure you’re a fan of sharalee prang photography on facebook.
2. visit the vancouver playhouse website and find one of the puppeteers’ names (yes – there are puppets, people!!).
3. come back here and comment on the blog for your chance to win!
also. if you want to try and win me over to cat loving, you can send me a picture of your cat for an extra entry. no guarantees, but i promise i will keep my heart soft.
Tags: fred penner, the cat came back, vancouver playhouse theatre
This entry was posted on Friday, February 10th, 2012 at 4:28 am and is filed under contest.
« the virgins. | love day »
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タレックス オークリー
Hi Sharalee…first of all, we don’t have our cat anymore. But I think you would love the irony of the story of what happened to our cat. The short version: about a year after we gave it away, unbelievably but true, the cat CAME BACK…and has elusively been appearing every few months in our neighbourhood.
The puppeteers are Paul Hooson and Jessee Havey
I’d love to take my four-year-old to this show!
Paul Hoosen.
I do have a pretty good cat story but no pic. We just put down our 19 year old ferrel cat. seriously, she spent her whole life hiding outside. None of our nieghbour’s can keep a cat longer then a year, coyotes etc…but our cat ,who didn’t have a name, or a bed, and I only put food out when I saw her, sometimes not for days, lived to be 19. Now she was survivor!
Paul Hoosen!!! This would be so great to win
I would bring my cat. j/k
Jesse Havey- puppeteer!
I used to watch Fred Penner too, he was my favourite show. Now I hear he does comedy shows at universities, with quite the university appropriate humour.
Paul Hooson – puppeteer! I used to watch Fred Penner all the time, along with Under the Umbrella Tree, Sesame Street and Mr. Dressup of course. Those were the days…
i feel the same things towards cats. yuck. BUT fred penner is genius!!! i love it
One of the puppeteers is Paul Hoosen and here is a picture of two of my cats: http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=41812624444&id=502149444&set=a.41810344444.49915.502149444&__user=502149444
Puppeteer: Paul Hooson
Sending you a picture of my cat via email. You might be won over. He’s that cute!!!!
This looks great! Puppeteer name Paul Hooson
Fred Penner was/is so great!
Puppeteer: Jessee Havey
Puppeteer: Paul Hooson
“win me over to cat loving pic” –
most cats are lame!
IT’S FRED PENNER!! Sharalee this is awesome!!
here’s one of the puppeteer dudes name! Puppeteer, Musician | Paul Hooson
And this is my cat, who I would suggest avoiding because though he loves me and is very fond of Dave. He really likes harassing folks who DO NOT like cats (ie. Jordan Klassen)
lol! This was definitely NOT what i was expecting! I too grew up with Fred Penner: all I remember was him crawling through the log. I can’t believe he’s still around! And with Paul Hooson, the puppeteer no less! (see how I did that? :D)
Also…I’m going to be getting a kitten in the next couple of months, and I’m sure that at least one of the millions of photos I’m bound to take of it will win you over. Im SURE of it.
Paul Hooson<– Puppeteer.
I grew up on Fred Penner. Not even kidding.
This would be SO VERY COOL to go and see!