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the wolfs: part two

we last left the “soon-to-be-wolfs” with their first look at each other on their wedding day.  and what a look it was.

you might want to take a deep breath before looking at this next series because any breath you have may be taken away.  i love these so much because they show who this couple IS.  gifted.  musical.  in LOVE.  with each other and God.

and like that, we made our departure for the church…with one quick stop at the photo booth for good measure.  final installment to come later this week!

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7 Comments to “the wolfs: part two”

  1. […] was amber and bonner just over a year ago at their wedding and all i can say is that this baby girl will never be far from music…even as she was […]

  2. Bev Funk says:

    Love , love love these. Thanks Sharalee for sharing, looking forward to the next installmant.

  3. Laura Kastelein says:

    awesome! I LOVE the reflection in the mirror.

  4. Amber wolf says:

    Sharalee!!! These are amazing! I love them ALL! oh man! You have outdone yourself yet again! Shew!

  5. Ron Funk says:

    Wow, nicely done. I do wonder though, looking at the time you posted these when do you sleep.

  6. Kelsey Siemens says:

    Girl, you have some serious talent! Although Amber and Bonner make the job easy, you’ve taken some beautiful photos. These are perfect.

  7. Laura says:

    so much fun!