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the kasteleins: family

this is the kind of session some people might have rescheduled.  they really wanted to do pictures outside and it was definitely looking like rain.  the sky was dark, clouds were heavy…and mom had been waiting for a good family picture for 20 years.  but these guys were tough.  hardcore. a little rain wasn’t going to scare them.  so i put on my husband’s rain jacket and set out with my fingers crossed.

this beauty is the baby of the family and just left home for the UK for six months.  she was the reason we rushed to fit these in, in spite of the crappy weather. side note: could these girls get anymore gorgeous?

and you might recognize these two lovelies on the right from their wedding last month.  marriage looks good on them.

and so it was.  a perfectly rainless session.  “what’s with the water all over erin’s shoulders”, you ask? oh, i should have said “rainless until the last five minutes when we were walking back to the house and the heavens opened up and dumped a month’s worth of condensation only to stop the moment we got inside”.  love living in bc!!!

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3 Comments to “the kasteleins: family”

  1. amber WOLF says:

    gorgeous! where did you take these photos, the property is so pretty!

  2. Laura Menagh says:

    you have amazing eyes, Sharalee! You see deeper than the rest of us!

  3. melissa says:

    great job capturing this family. They are all so beautiful, on the outside and the inside. I knew this family when I was younger, it’s crazy to see how much everyone’s changed! Erin if you see this- Hi! You look great!