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the jones’: family

in the midst of meeting brides and planning for the 2013 wedding season (oh my word, friends, next year’s weddings are going to be uhmaaaazing), i’ve had the chance to fit in a few sessions.  one of them being this lovely family that met me on a dreary day to document the end of this second pregnancy and celebrate the expansion of their family.

now i know you’re going to see the pictures and say “how can this possibly be the ‘end’ of her pregnancy”, but it’s true folks.  she’s a mere 5 weeks away and ladies (you must know that she is an absolutely delightful person and you are not allowed to hate her) she is still wearing regular jeans.  i know, i know, it took me a few moments to come to grips with it too, but like i said she is wonderful which made it impossible to be mad 🙂

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3 Comments to “the jones’: family”

  1. Allen jones says:

    Nice photos Sawyer is too too cute and his mom and dad look good too..
    Love ya Dad

  2. Anne says:

    My sister is beautiful!!! And my soy…. So cute!!! Can’t wait to find out if its my niece or nephew in there!! Great pics!!!

  3. Emily says:

    These photos are stellar. I really like all the unique poses and locations. What a beautiful family! You captured them well.