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sukhi’s getting married

i love our old neighborhood!  we lived right across from the sikh temple and that first year we found ourselves swept up in the beauty of the surrounding community.  there’s a huge sikh festival in the fall where they celebrate their holy book and we were so eager to participate, but at that point no one knew us so everyone was curious about the “gori”(white woman) in the salwar.  i embraced the strange looks and began to make friends with our neighbors.  when the same parade came around the following year, i got the inside track as i was allowed to come and watch some of the morning food preparations on our street and get taste tests of all the best punjabi delights.

i was so ecstatic to hear of sukhi’s engagament in the fall and even more pleased when she invited me to attend and photograph some of the pre-wedding celebrations.  she and her family had lived next door and we had spent hot summer days hiding in the shade of the lane between our homes while she let my kids douse her with water.  best neighbor ever!

the week of the wedding, it’s customary to signal the beginning of the maiyan(a period of separation between the engaged couple) with a celebration at the bride’s home.  sukhi’s family joined together the night before the wedding to prepare her for marriage by performing the vatna and chuni ceremonies, which involve giving the bride an intricately embroidered veil as well as applying a special paste to her body.

it was such a beautiful thing to be a part of…to watch previous generations bestowing blessings and gifts on this woman who was about to start her own family.  thank you so much for welcoming me into this evening as one of your own!

sukhi’s mom is one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever met.  her smile is contagious and she is so warm and generous.

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6 Comments to “sukhi’s getting married”

  1. What is a sukhi’s getting married ? Can you share me some more information related to the sukhi’s getting married in your pooint of view ?

  2. colleen says:

    …so beautiful..tradition & celebration

  3. Beth J Freeman says:

    Wow. Just wow! What beautiful women.

  4. I love all the generations blessing the bride and honoring so many deeply shared traditions.

  5. Oh Sharalee, what a beautiful ceremony to be a part of. It may be all my pregnancy hormones but I’m totally crying and touched to see all the generations celebrating Sukhi! Love it!
    Thank you for sharing with us!