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stephanie & jeff: engaged

on the way up to the golf course in chilliwack where we were going to do the shoot, i spotted this field on the right, overlooking the valley.  too good, right?!

we finally made it to the golf course and jeff was like, “okay.  hop in the golf cart and follow us”.  um, how does one follow when one has never operated a golf cart?! needless to say it took me a few gos, but once i figured out how to drive while clutching my props, trying not to fall out/flip/run over anything or anyone, it was actually kind of fun.  look for me on a golf course near you!  not playing, just driving…

anyway…learning something new was totally worth it because check out the sweet things we found!  we came across a sweet old dilapidated shack and these two were brave enough to climb in.

steph has done a ton of traveling, so the two of them sat down for a bit to talk about where they would like to take each other.  let’s just say their tastes vary a bit, but hey, what’s marriage without compromise and adventure, right?!

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One Comment to “stephanie & jeff: engaged”

  1. Love the pic in the shack (near the top of the shack pic collection) with the upward angle.