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our house: personal

i was looking around our house today and realized it’s not near as christma-fied as i would like it to be for december 21st, but such is life as a working mom.  which is kind of weird to say, because i’ve always considered myself a stay at home mom until i recognized this fall that i was putting in 30-40 hours a week between shooting, editing, correspondence, blogging, etc, etc.  when i finally realized i wasn’t wonder woman (hard to believe, i know), i did the best thing i felt i could do for our family while still maintaining that workload: ask for help.  i ended up hiring an amazing woman to come and care for our kids one day a week so that i could actually sit down and have a concentrated amount of time to get things done.  what a relief!  it actually made me a better mom because i was able to give my kids more undivided attention during the week and they got a break from me every once in awhile (with a super fun babysitter who they all love).  win. win.  if there are other moms out there struggling with this kind of balance, i would highly recommend finding help – sanity is so worth the financial investment!

one little project i was proud to be a part of that i didn’t end up blogging about was a shoot for debbie at 4cats arts studio in abbotsford.  my shots were featured in their winter magazine, along with a little ad to boot:

a favorite thing about this time of year is getting to see my work in print!  i’ve gotten a few christmas cards from my clients and have had the privilege of printing up some books and canvases this year as well.  it’s my goal to get pictures off those discs and into people’s hands and onto their walls, which is why i include prints with my sessions now.

another perk of taking some time off around christmas is working on a couple of projects in the continuing saga of getting “settled” into the house we moved into in summer.  we were trying to figure out how to showcase the MANY arts and crafts that make their way home from kindergarten and preschool.  we decided we would do our best to display them all for a month and then clear off the clipboard and shelf and start anew when the 30 days pass.

i also started to work on beautifying our bedroom.  i’m struggling with what to do on the other side of the mirror…ideas please?

so this blog was all over the place…which gives you a little look inside my crazed mind.  stay tuned for another 2011 wrap up installment!

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4 Comments to “our house: personal”

  1. Carrie Wall says:

    i love your mirror setup so far! i think something with a bit of eclectic structure would be great on the other side. maybe stack and stagger a few open square decorative wooden shelves? i envision two stacked together (slightly askew) and a third grouped with it. you could even tie wire across to hang earrings.

  2. Gemma Winter says:

    Love the art board – awesome idea!! This post makes me miss you and your family and your house!!!

  3. carleigh says:

    this post makes me really want to see you!
    love it all!

  4. Do you like the idea of candlesticks and candles for the space by the mirror? Or a couple of your favourite prints in wood frames? Or a cool pedestal of some type that you can hang colorful fabric scarves on? Ok–that’s all for now. Love the collage of kid art. Cool to photograph for later so you don’t necessarily keep have to keep each art piece. xo ak