« the armours: family | the kemps: family »
so i haven’t had a shoot booked in nearly a week. which, in my world these days, is a long time. so what’s a girl to do with five whole days without “work”?
well, i worked. a lot. edited. mailed discs (more to come on that soon…made some fun new packaging for my weddings). caught up on e-mails. followed up on 2012 potential weddings. attempted to organize my office (failed, but it’s the thought that counts, right?)
i also…
made grape juice from the bounty growing in our backyard. 16 quarts to start and more to come shortly.
got a hair cut (photo cred: josiah). my stylist is amazing. when i woke up this morning i sang into the mirror about how much i loved my hair (not the face so much, but the hair).
i took (a few) pictures of my own kids for once!! what a novel idea.
i put up a few more things on the wall. LOVE these prints my sister gave me. just threw them in some vintage frames and put them on either side of that wicked candle holder i got from twig home at the fieldstone vintage market.
and i’ve been reading. but i don’t like the book…i just can’t bear to toss it without finishing it first as it will seem like i’ve wasted too much time. and truth is, i’m hoping it might still redeem itself. any good book recommendations for the next time i have five days (which will be in february when i take the month off)?
Tags: fieldstone vintage market, grape juice, swallowfield, twig home
This entry was posted on Friday, October 28th, 2011 at 6:04 am and is filed under my family.
« the armours: family | the kemps: family »
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An amazing “action” shot of Jojo. Way to go Jojo! Allie and Simon are sooo cute! Jojo actually took your picture? Impressive! I am glad that I can see your blog again.
I’ve made myself read a book or two just because I think I might learn something new. And you never know…you just might end up loving it.
your kids are way too crazy cute! my word!
Rocking a fabulous face with that awesome haircut! I was going to beg for some little people pictures….and then like magic, it happened. You have such a gift of capturing soul and emotion and beauty, sweet niece. When you came along, (and your sisters and cousins) you taught my heart to melt. And it continues with this next generation…..unstoppable! xoxoxoxoox
So love the pictures, and Josiah’s got great angles, eh? Darling, darling kiddos, but am so glad you had a bit of time toooooooo make grape juice!!! Also LOVE the haircut, nice that you will go on loving it for a long while too. I have lots of GREAT book ideas I’ll send you one of these days…been reading quite a bit at night recently. Love you, and can’t wait to see more of your great work!
LOVE your hair cut!!! and your face.
Have a good day! Nat
Glad to hear from the more personal side of you!
Your hair is great! Love the shots of the munchkins! Loving Allie’s Christmas monkey jammies. I want some! Simon’s hair is out of this world..literally! Love it too. And JoJo is getting so big! Give them all a big squeeze from us!