« the dewoldes: family | the vanpoptas: family »
with this little, we got the best of both worlds. started off smooshed and sleepy and ended awake and happy. she’s a sweet one and reminds me of my babies because she’s got some meat on her bones
i had taken pictures of her cousin a week previous and am already imagining these two as best buds in a few years, getting into their mom’s make-up and torturing their older brothers with boy band music and girly attitude.
meet landon. he’s silly. i can’t imagine where he got it from…his parents are both so serious.
Tags: family pictures, maple ridge family photographer, sleeping baby, vancouver baby photographer
This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 at 6:07 pm and is filed under baby pictures, families.
« the dewoldes: family | the vanpoptas: family »
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I was so glad that your Mom sent this link, the pictures are wonderful. I am sooo happy for you Julie and David. The “girl” doll I brought you yrs. ago has a place now in your home. Congrats.
Colleen M.
Wow Sharalee, what great shots… love little Laila already. Congrats, Julie, your family looks beautiful, and so do you… don’t know how you do it so soon after giving birth!
oh my how beautiful….
oh my goodness!! these are gorgeous!! what a pretty family and a gorgeous baby!! my word!