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jeff & amy: engaged

so it snowed. kinda wasn’t expecting that. i think a lot of people around these parts had figured winter might be over. but i suppose that’s what we get for being all cocky about our mild weather.

i got a new lens recently and have been challenging myself to use it to its full potential, which often means taking a step back. i love the dynamic of being up in someone’s face, just because i produces the look and feel and opportunity to interact that i adore. i must say, though, that i’m also loving the idea of capturing the big picture, literally and figuratively. there’s something about taking in all of the surroundings that can actually make a picture more personal. so keep your eyes open for more of that. to come.

it was pretty blowy and not knowing jeff & amy super well, i wasn’t sure what they would be up for. thankfully, they are super troopers. they hopped out of the car and were ready for pretty much anything i asked of them. there was a lot of cuddling and hand holding and a horse and a little snowball fight thrown in for good measure.

how gorgeous is amy in this picture below?  seriously…i had to keep it full size.  so looking forward to your harrison wedding in a couple of months!

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3 Comments to “jeff & amy: engaged”

  1. […] glorious!  and even better that it was a wedding day.  jeff & amy.  making it […]

  2. Amber wolf says:

    You’re right. That is a gorgeous last photo. Beautiful.