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i think i might be a bad mother.

reason #1:

i let them dress themselves.

reason #2

morning snack consisted of "chomper sticks" (a way cooler name than licorice, if you ask me)

reason #3:

even though it was only warm for about 10 minutes this afternoon, i got out the pool. it just felt like time.

reason #4:

apparently i'm raising yet another butt-crack bandit.

reason #5:

i'm pretty sure those are simon's teeth chattering.

reason #6:

i'm pretty sure this is simon asking to get out of the pool, which i eventually allowed only because it was starting to rain and i didn't want to get wet myself.

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14 Comments to “i think i might be a bad mother.”

  1. amber WOLF says:

    you’re hilarious! and your kids are UNBELIEVABLE! i can’t get enough of any of you!

  2. Jenn Jewett says:

    Your kids are so gosh darn cute and you are so good at capturing it

  3. Lana says:

    brilliant. not bad mothering.

    brilliant outfits.

    you’re fostering their creativity.


  4. carleigh says:

    i love love love…
    and for the record, my kids had cupcake sprinkles and raw noodles for breakfast the other day.

    p.s. i think all those things make you a great mom!

  5. Hans Prang says:

    What is wrong with “chomper sticks?” The pictures are gorgeous. You’re doing a mighty fine job Sharalee.

  6. Oh my, how totally adorable. You are a great mom! 🙂

  7. Don Klaassen says:

    Delightful Sharalee!

  8. Jocelyn says:

    …and that is why you are an awesome mom!

  9. dsparrow says:

    heheheh! I felt the twinge of bad mom yesterday! Phoenix had a bubble gum ice cream cone @ maybe 11am geez then no lunch and straight to preschool thank goodness they have snacks there!

  10. Alison says:

    Your kids are so cute!

  11. katherine says:

    How in the world did Simon get so big?!?! Seriously kiddo. And so glad the butt crack runs in the family…not from you guys of course. Must be a kid thing. 😉