Monday, May 2nd, 2011
i was going to try and squeeze this whole wedding into one post, but then i realized that would be a serious injustice especially seeing how gorgeous this day was.
when we started the day, laura made it clear that she didn’t want to be “that boring wedding sharalee shot on the easter weekend”. it kind of became the running joke as they couldn’t find the paperwork during the ceremony (“that illegal wedding sharalee shot on the easter weekend”) to missing family members during group pictures (“the time the in-laws got lost during that wedding sharalee shot on the easter weekend”)…you get the picture.
this day was anything but boring. the family was lively, the bridal party was hot, the details were fun and the weather. was. amazing.
we were so blessed to be able to use the grounds of venema pottery for most of the pictures. they have an amazing studio and a beautiful yard…you should really check it out for yourselves. the groom was anxiously awaiting his lady’s arrival…
(the flowers are all by “ferns and flowers” – she’s amazing!)
i will leave you with that for this evening and will be back soon with more – you won’t want to miss it!
Tags: abbotsford wedding photographer, harris road abbotsford, laura van dyke shawn sederberg wedding, venema pottery
Posted in weddings 7 Comments »
Thursday, April 21st, 2011
everything about this session was green. from the lush forest which was accentuated by ALL the rain (which we got caught in the middle of) to the “rescuing” of salmonberry bushes for private gardens to talk of politics on the way home.
i think i’ve watched too many movies, though, because as we drove up gravel logging roads and trudged further into the forest, i quickly scanned my memory through all the interactions i’d had with this couple to make sure i hadn’t wronged them in any way because this sure seemed like the perfect location to “finish me off”. thankfully that was not their plan and we had a great time in one of their favorite places in the world. a place i probably never would have had the opportunity to discover on my own!
i learned so much about climbing on this little adventure of ours. i’m pretty sure that just talking about it has equipped me with the skills to be an expert climber like these two. but maybe i should test that theory out at an indoor gym first…just to make sure i’m right…
one thing i learned was that all the rocks have been named after the first person to clean them (remove all the moss, etc.) to prepare them for climbing. they also name the “problems” (the routes up the rock) after the first person to navigate their way up. all that to say, the rock below was named after the gentleman who is the subject of this session. he and a group of friends have put together a climbing guidebook for this area, so while we were there he was taking his own pictures of the rocks to include in their next publication.
i’m looking forward to the wedding this summer!
Tags: chilliwack wedding photographer, hunter creek, rock climbing
Posted in engagement pictures, weddings 10 Comments »
Sunday, April 10th, 2011
and so the day brought us to what everyone else had been waiting for: the ceremony. it was beautiful, surrounded by friends and family from all over the world, with so many personal touches that made it unmistakably amber and bonner.
and so the party begins. at least according to amber 🙂
one of my absolute favorite parts of the day was after we finished all of the family pictures and everyone packed up and headed over to the reception, i was left in the empty parking lot with amber and bonner. and now they were REALLY married. it was such a sweet few minutes. they danced, laughed, kissed, giggled, kissed some more…and i was the only one that got a glimpse into the first moments of their marriage. this is what i LOVE about my job. people trust me to be there with them in those moments. and i am blown away that they would choose me, but so so honored.
check out the photo booth slideshow…to all the attendees of the wolf wedding, you gave me a good chuckle. thanks.
Tags: abbotsford wedding photographer, christian reformed church, legacy sports centre, photobooth, photobooth props, wedding reception
Posted in weddings 2 Comments »
Thursday, April 7th, 2011
we last left the “soon-to-be-wolfs” with their first look at each other on their wedding day. and what a look it was.
you might want to take a deep breath before looking at this next series because any breath you have may be taken away. i love these so much because they show who this couple IS. gifted. musical. in LOVE. with each other and God.
and like that, we made our departure for the church…with one quick stop at the photo booth for good measure. final installment to come later this week!
Tags: abbotsford wedding photographer, grand piano, wedding rings
Posted in weddings 7 Comments »
Monday, April 4th, 2011
for those of you annoyed with the abrupt ending to my last post, let’s call a truce. click on the link below the picture for another sweet moment from this day.
Tags: abbotsford wedding photographer, bride and groom seeing each other, first look, wedding dress
Posted in event photography, weddings 2 Comments »
Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
well, here’s the moment at least a few of you have been waiting for. what a journey this has been! from engagement pictures at niagara-on-the-lake, to the bachelorette party in fort langley, to the rehearsal, to the reception set-up to…the wedding day. i love this couple.
the morning kicked off with a tea amber hosted for her bridesmaids. it was so relaxed and fun and such an excellent way to start the festivities. amber presented the girls with handmade jewelry using some of the crystals from her dress and crocheted shawls, courtesy of grandma.
oh. and the food. was. amazing.
and like that we were off to retrieve her groom.
after some last minute marital advice from his big bro, he was prepared to meet his bride. but not before i dragged it out a little. as if he wasn’t nervous enough already, i just couldn’t help but add to the anticipation…
and just as i made him wait…i’m going to do the same to you! stay tuned for their first look at eachother – it’s priceless.
Tags: abbotsford wedding photographer, bride getting dressed, bridesmaid tea, father of the bride, first look, mother of the bride
Posted in weddings 3 Comments »