Thursday, May 1st, 2014
about three weeks ago, i posted this picture on instagram:my four year old had just learned how to ride a two wheeler and we wanted to go for a family bike ride, but…i didn’t have a bike. in stepped a gracious friend to lend me the bike she’s not using at the moment. while i was super excited about this new acquisition, i was also a little nervous after not having ridden a bike in a couple of years. i asked my kids for some tips and my (now) 8 year old said: “believe in yourself”. once i recovered from hearing that (tears), this little dude says, “i’m so proud of you for riding a bike mom”. more tears.
i will be honest and say that this particular morning, i was tempted to go on autopilot, stick on a movie for simon and hunker down at my desk to get some work done. but after 4 games of uno and two books, i knew that wasn’t going to happen. solution? put together a couple of packages for clients and bike down to the post office together. two birds, one stone.
extra bonus, our sweet little town has a skate park and playground, so we had a snack, biked around and played a little hide and go seek to top it all off.
he’s a good hider. go check out all the other beautiful posts by the childhood unplugged babes here!
Tags: childhood unplugged, chilliwack family photographer, lifestyle family photographer
Posted in childhood unplugged, my family No Comments »
Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014
spring break: bringing shrieks of joy…or pain across the nation. i love my kids. i really really do. and i like the idea of spring break. the reality of spring break, though, can be less than ideal, especially with young kids. the ideal: let them stay up late for popcorn and a movie as a treat so that they will sleep in the next morning. the reality: they stay up late and whine when they have to go to bed, even when it’s an hour past their regular bedtime. the next morning they are up even earlier than usual, are grumpy, fight with each other nonstop and shoot you death glares when you suggest an afternoon “quiet time”.
so even though we didn’t have big plans to go away this year, we threw together a last minute one night “staycation”. i googled hotels within a 2 hour drive that had a waterslide. squamish, here.we.come.
another family showed up after we had been there a few minutes, so i put my camera away so that i didn’t look like a creepazoid. but i could have shot inside there all day.
on our way home, following google maps, i looked for the road that cut closest to the water and we ended up here. thanks google!
this post is a part of april’s edition of childhood unplugged…head over here to check out the other amazing women who are a part of this fun project!
a couple of polaroids from our little advenutre:
Tags: childhood unplugged, chilliwack family, lifestyle photography, squamish family photographer, squamish sandman hotel and suites
Posted in childhood unplugged 6 Comments »
Monday, February 3rd, 2014
“Remember growing up? Playing outdoors while using our creativity and imagination was the norm. I don’t really ever remember saying, “I’m bored” very often! Our children have every source of technology available to them, and although technology is great and we cannot be without it in today’s world, it has really stolen so much of our children’s ability to be creative, to play without being entertained, and the use of their imagination. Children have lost the ART OF PLAY.” These are the words of Monica Calderin, the woman behind not only the blog, but the “movement” of Childhood Unplugged. She joined together with 10 other photographers and committed to unplugging alongside the kids to remind them (and ourselves ultimately) what pure unadulterated play could look like.
Now check this out: they’ve asked me to join them. What an absolute honor and a privilege to be a part of a community of women who are raising their children to be…kids. Not that we don’t want them to grow and mature (even though we kinda don’t sometimes), but I love the idea of just letting our kids be kids, nurturing their imaginations without the constant influence of computers and phones and movies and and and…
One of the things about all of us unplugging and REALLY engaging is that sometimes I’m tempted to control their play. We had the chance to go to 4Cats Arts Studio to participate in a paint splatter class, the very nature of which is to: splatter.paint. And yet both Cliff and I still wanted to control where the splats landed and how the squirts dripped. We’re talking in hair, on clothes and on my camera (ahem). It wasn’t until we stepped back and let them be that we could truly enjoy and appreciate the beauty they had created. Childhood. Unplugged.
Check out the Childhood Unplugged blog! At the beginning of every month, each contributor submits a post. They also have an inspiring Instagram feed and you can follow them (us) through Facebook too. They’re going to start accepting outside submissions, so please contribute pictures of your family unplugging!!
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