Tuesday, December 1st, 2015
no one ever believes me. they go up to the vine and say, “those look so much like kiwis!”
every year i struggle through the delicate dance of when to pick them and how long to leave them ripening off the vine, but i think i may have finally mastered it. the only way i can get the kids to help is by promising they can keep the ones that look like butts. you think i’m joking.
and if you were ever curious as to what i look like when i’m running a fever, balancing on a lawn chair trying to extend my weak little body to get the ones on the top branches…this is it. thanks to my darling husband for documenting that.
more childhood unplugged stories here!
Tags: childhood unplugged, chilliwack family photography, kiwi british columbia
Posted in childhood unplugged 2 Comments »
Monday, November 2nd, 2015
friends that are like family.
more amazing images by my childhood unplugged family here!
Posted in childhood unplugged 1 Comment »
Monday, August 3rd, 2015
it’s difficult to even know where to begin when describing the wonder that we experienced on our trip to yellowstone and back. every place was so uniquely beautiful. and the people were even better. when we were looking at our summer trying to plan a getaway, a strategically placed weekend off meant we could make our first trek to visit my sister and her family who live in mammoth on the northern edge of yellowstone park. our route was dictated by the desire to connect with dear friends in high river, so though we took the long way, it was well worth it.
one of the best things about this trip for me was how well our kids handled the inconsistency and the amount of time we spent in the car. we did our best to make fun stops for them and to give them lots of activity (and food) while we drove. books on tape, wildlife spotting, roadside rock skipping and the license plate game were our saviours.
so here it is, the journey from western british columbia to the shuswap to southern alberta to the united states border to northern montana and finally the edge of wyoming. some planned stops, some not, pictures taken from mountain tops and through car windows.
this doesn’t even include our trip back which brought us through idaho and eastern washington…but that will have to wait for now! check out all the other summer adventures of my childhood unplugged cohorts.
Tags: childhood unplugged
Posted in childhood unplugged, lifestyle 3 Comments »
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015
let’s just say that you have friends over to camp out in your backyard and you start talking about science around the campfire. and let’s just say talk turns to dissection and i start recounting my teenage fascination with the subject. and let’s just say i take it a little too far and suggest to one of the kids that we go hunting for a frog in the backyard (never having any intention of cutting it open, let alone actually catching one!). and let’s just say frogs are easier to catch than i thought and within a few minutes of searching, we had already bagged a huge one.
don’t worry, y’all…we released him back into the wild (only after he scared the crap out of us several times). it was a fun adventure, to say the least! check out the other family adventures at childhood unplugged this month!
Posted in childhood unplugged 1 Comment »
Monday, June 1st, 2015
on days off, it’s tempting to stay at home and do nothing, but i know it serves us all well to get out for some fresh air and a little adventure.
Posted in childhood unplugged, families 1 Comment »
Friday, May 1st, 2015
sometimes all you need to do is give your child a shovel and an hour. yes, you may end up with a gigantic hole in your yard, but think of the possibilities: a swimming pool, a garbage dump, a future burial plot, potentially? and check it out…they spent an hour, outside, working together to accomplish a goal. childhood unplugged at its finest.
Posted in childhood unplugged, lifestyle No Comments »
Monday, March 2nd, 2015
after a brief hiatus to focus on hockey, the prang family is back to soccer in full force. i’m so grateful they have a dad who loves to play with them! go visit some of my friends at childhood unplugged and see how their families are being intentional about spending time screen free.
Posted in childhood unplugged, my family 4 Comments »
Thursday, January 1st, 2015
if there was ever a time for nostalgia, i suppose it’s now. in a season rife with tradition, i can’t help but adopt a few of my own. i come from a mennonite background; a people with rich history who love God, good food, sturdy women and pacifism. which is basically me in a box, in case you’re wondering (though i do love to dance, which is a bit of a problem for the more conservative among us ;).
this year i decided to teach allie how to make new year’s cookies (aka portzelky, aka fat balls of deliciously raisin filled dough fried in oil). as the name suggests, they are typically made around new years and are meant to draw one further into the food induced coma they are just starting to wake from after christmas. everything about making these in my home brings back memories; the crispy fried raisins that fall off and you can’t help but eat and immediately regret because they have a crispy burnt flavor to them, the look of the dough stretching from the edge of the bowl, the bubbles as you drop them into the oil, the smell of the fresh baked fitters that clings to your curtains for days to come…the essence of nostalgia for me. and even though i know that eating too many may very well cause me to poop my pants, i just can’t help but indulge. you didn’t think i was going to get too serious on y’all, did you?
please go take a look at the other new years posts from the amazing women of childhood unplugged!
Tags: childhood unplugged, cooking with kids, mennonite girls can cook, portzelky
Posted in childhood unplugged, my family 3 Comments »
Monday, September 1st, 2014
as much as i detest war, i’m super fascinated by history and how these conflicts shape a country and culture. so when the opportunity came to pass by a fort at the end of our family vacation, i was excited to explore it. and my kids like guns, so it’s a win win (much to the chagrin of my little pacifist heart). interestingly enough, this fort was really never used as the invention of the airplane rendered it nearly defenceless in the early 1900s. if you’re in the area, i would highly recommend checking it out…bring a flashlight and scare the poop out of your kids in the bunkers.
take some time to go check out the other family adventures of the childhood unplugged ladies too!
Tags: childhood unplugged, fort casey, lifestyle family portraits, whidbey island
Posted in childhood unplugged, families, my family No Comments »
Friday, August 1st, 2014
with wedding season being in full swing, i rarely get to take a proper vacation in summer, but this year we decided to stay more local and head down to the seattle area to a house by the sea.this was the best decision we’ve made in awhile…it was so relaxed and beautiful and while we thought we would do more of exploring of the city, we were happy to just stay home and enjoy the view. my kids read books, collected crabs and played card games – so dreamy.
my sister lives down in portland with her husband and four children and we were so excited to host them for a few days. last fall, their family took a trip down to florida to meet the family of her two adopted boys. shortly after they came home, melissa asked if they would be open to coming to oregon to visit, so three of their siblings made the trek on their first plane ride across the country to live with them for 6 weeks. we are so grateful to their florida family for being willing to share them with us.
please be sure to check out the other amazing women who are a part of the childhood unplugged project!
Tags: abbotsford family photographer, childhood unplugged
Posted in childhood unplugged, families 11 Comments »