Friday, May 1st, 2015
sometimes all you need to do is give your child a shovel and an hour. yes, you may end up with a gigantic hole in your yard, but think of the possibilities: a swimming pool, a garbage dump, a future burial plot, potentially? and check it out…they spent an hour, outside, working together to accomplish a goal. childhood unplugged at its finest.
Posted in childhood unplugged, lifestyle No Comments »
Wednesday, April 29th, 2015
this family. i don’t know them well, but here is what i do know:
1. they are kind and generous* 2. they like to laugh, which is good because they have a two year old in the house and lord knows sometimes all you can do is laugh (so you don’t cry) 3. aforementioned 2 year old is awesome and likes to say yes to everything unless you ask him if he wants to go to bed 4. they have an amazing yellow plum tree in the backyard that yielded snacks for days for our family and jam that we are still working through from last year (*refer back to generous). you three are incredible and i’m so excited to see what the future holds for your family.
Tags: abbotsford family photographer, lifestyle family photography
Posted in families, lifestyle 1 Comment »
Monday, April 27th, 2015
the goal: a family-style meal featuring a delicious seasonal menu and local wine. an opportunity to sit around a table together, put away our phones and enjoy great conversation and good food with friends, old and new.
the outcome: everything described above and more. this room was filled with an incredible group of generous and fun people who weren’t afraid to laugh and share. duft and co created a locally sourced four course meal(which turned into 7 or 8 if you count the bread, palate cleansers and petit fours) that no one could stop talking about. jack coffee brought the caffeine that perfectly complimented the desserts and warmed our bellies to send us off into the crisp spring evening. the atmosphere (courtesy of the women of spruce collective) was inviting and beautiful and everyone left with some little gifts to enjoy at the end of the evening. a huge success…you won’t want to miss the next one.
Posted in event photography, lifestyle 1 Comment »
Thursday, April 16th, 2015
you know the saying “the shoemakers’ children go barefoot”? or maybe i’m just old. either way, sometimes photographers have the fewest pictures of themselves with their children because they are always the one behind the camera. my sweet friend jayme invited me into her home to document a little slice of her life with her daughter. i’m so pleased she made it a priority to step in front of the camera, as nerve wracking as that may be. the bond she and her little lady share is pretty special and i am so delighted to be able to reflect it back to her.
Tags: abbotsford family photographer, lifestyle family photography
Posted in families, lifestyle 1 Comment »
Monday, February 2nd, 2015
there is something powerful about seeing two people from very different backgrounds come together and choose to forge a future as one. these two have already faced some uphill battles, both as individuals and as a couple and it’s exciting to see them stand beside each other filled with hope for what’s to come. thanks for sharing your hearts and your time with me, shane & taelyr.
Tags: chilliwack wedding photographer, forest engagement pictures
Posted in engagement pictures, lifestyle 10 Comments »
Monday, September 15th, 2014
there are times that i am brought to the point of speechlessness when trying to describe someone i love. for this woman, however, i have no shortage of words. which could be a problem. this is a woman of honour and courage. one of the strongest and simultaneously gentlest people i know. she is honest. she knows how to love fully. she is also all too familiar with sorrow. there is something about a person who can celebrate while being fully engulfed in sorrow and loss. bringing carleigh to the water wasn’t just about taking pretty pictures…it was also illustrating the ability to be immersed while still breathing. to be “in it” while still living. to be grieving and still giving. that’s grace. and she embodies it. and these little lives are going to be covered in the grace that she has received and freely gives. hallelujah.
Posted in lifestyle, maternity 6 Comments »
Thursday, September 11th, 2014
cassie and tyler had a dream. isn’t that usually how it starts? thing is, for lots of people, that’s also where it ends. what i love about their story is that they refused to let their dream die. luckily (for us and them), these two opened up the greatest little bakery you ever did see earlier this year and they are killing it. cassie is a classically trained pastry chef and she’s bringing my appreciation of the carb to a new level. pain au chocolat…be still my heart. i had the pleasure of documenting the creation and delivery of some of their most beloved products – if you live in/are visiting the fraser valley, you must check out their delightful shop in downtown abbotsford. i am not exaggerating when i say they are an answer to my prayers.
if you’re a small business and are interested in having me document your process/product, shoot me an email!
Tags: abbotsford food photography, downtown abbotsford, duft & co bakehouse, french pastry, small business
Posted in lifestyle 5 Comments »
Sunday, June 29th, 2014
i love getting to see a couple who have set an incredible example in life and marriage for their kids. it’s amazing to witness the fruit of their commitment to each other and to see their children adopt many of the same values in their own families. that’s what you call a legacy.
5 family units, 10 kids 7 and under makes for absolutely beautiful chaos.
Tags: abbotsford family photographer, vancouver lifestyle photographer
Posted in families, lifestyle No Comments »
Monday, January 27th, 2014
so here we are, end of january and i still haven’t done a wrap up of 2013. i was struggling with how to approach this in a fresh way and i thought since the majority of you who follow my blog have already seen my best pictures, i would add a personal spin and show you some of my favorite pictures taken on my phone. i think the images i captured on my phone this year more fully encapsulate who i am and what my day to day life is like, so it will help you to get to know me a bit better.
the thing about the year coming to an end is that so much evaluation happens. i have a love/hate relationship with evaluation. on one hand, it can serve as encouragement and affirmation while on the other hand, it can be darn near the most depressing activity possible.
this time last year i was preparing to attend the what if conference in dominican republic which turned out to be a life changing experience (tickets for 2014 available here). and as i sit here preparing to attend this year’s conference, i’m suddenly filled with fear: i’m going to see many of the same people, people who have started non-profit organizations and traveled the world and written books…and what have i done in a year?
fear. it can be so.freaking.crippling. the voice that says, “pack it up, girl. if you haven’t started yet, you never will. compared to everyone else, you really don’t have much to offer.” and while the temptation is there to agree, i can’t. don’t get me wrong, many days i have succumbed, listened and obeyed it. and those were some dark days.
so i’m here to tell you what i’ve done. not as a point of pride, but just to document it, to speak it out, for myself more than anything. to say “screw you, fear. i’m going to go about my business trying to make this world a better place.”
p.s. “doing” is not the be all end all. ultimately i just want to “be” better and not worry so much about what i do. but “being” is a little harder to measure, so here’s a glimpse at some of the things i “did” which are all hopefully feeding into who i want to “be”. enough “quotation marks” for y’all?
this year i hung out with my kids. sometimes i just watched; watched them play, laugh, poop (sorry but i did), be ridiculous, cry, love, fight, think…i watched. because i know this time won’t last forever, blah blah blah, and i want to remember it with even more than pictures, but with actually memories. in my brain.
i also got to take pictures of some other people who were watching their own families grow.
and i watched my husband daily, i mean daily people, becoming a better and better father to these little monkeys of ours.
i traveled! so many good memories of trips taken, on my own and with my family, of sights seen and friends made.
i picked up the ukelele again after about a million years, i planted (kind of) a garden, i baked lots of sugary treats (some of which i shared and some….), i learned how to crochet and i worked at making our house a safe place where we can learn together and make mistakes together and do things that we love and encourage anyone who comes through our door to do the same.
we hosted friends from australia and i almost peed my pants going across the longest unsupported something or other gondola in the history of the universe (pretty sure that’s what it says on their website)…but i did it!
i ate some spinach.
we welcomed some amazing people into our lives who love our kids and obviously love us as they were willing to invest time and energy into our offspring when work took us away from them.
i got to venture a little outside my own territory to document peoples’ love and commitment to each other and had a darn fun time doing it.
i shot a ton of instant film, all different kinds. a goal i didn’t even know i had, but once i was doing it, i was like “yes”.
we lived a dream of mine, traveling to the “birth place” of one of my favorite bands and watched them perform on their own farm. and we met a man that owned a motorcycle shop who knew everything about cameras, so that was awesome.
we spent so much time in our yard. so much. and it was wonderful.
there were also some pretty sad things that happened this year to people i love. loss is hard. and while the temptation is there to bottle it up or feel like it’s too much, i was forced to open my hands and release it to God and trust that he will sustain. and he did. and does. he really does.
i got to experience the joy of welcoming new life into the world (without the pain of having to “welcome” it myself, which was a bonus).
we took a couple of little trips as a family and it was so fun to see all of our kids at a stage where they could experience and enjoy these places in new ways.
i tried to get out from behind the camera a bit more, even if it meant the outcome was awkward pictures like this:
we celebrated 14 years. 14 YEARS!!!
i was terrified at the speed with which my children’s bodies/attitudes grew.
i stopped to smell the roses (or fresh laundry, whatever the case may be). for reals. sometimes you just gotta to stay sane.
i grew some really fat/slightly deformed carrots. any tips on growing normal looking carrots are welcome.
i had SO many cool couples choose me to document their weddings…absolutely blown away by people’s willingness to include me in their celebration. they fact that they entrust a day like that to me…i’m almost in tears just thinking about it.
we took our kids on a plane across the country. hold your applause please.
we celebrated. that youngest one of ours
i got to see my kids perform on stage, some more willingly than others, which is always a joy. i’m plan to live vicariously through them when they make it to broadway. you think i’m kidding.
i went to new york city for new years eve. dream come true.
and like i said before, i tried to get a few pictures of myself. when i die, i don’t really want my kids to wonder who that strange lady behind the big black box all the time was…i think it will be good for them to know i had a face and a name and something of a personality independent of who i was as their mom. because sometimes when i look at some of the things i pursue because i want to, it’s tempting to feel really selfish. but then i think, “how am i serving them if i don’t go after any of the things i feel called to/have always wanted to do?” not all of those things need to wait until they are teenagers or out of the house. it could be something as small as investing in a friend or spending time “creating” or sitting down at the piano or something as big as taking our family to india for a month…i want to be someone who had dreams and went out and lived them.
so. 2013. a good year. not without it’s failures and disappointments, but a good year. thanks for living it with me.
p.s. more of my day to day life can be viewed over here on instagram, if you’re interested (if you are interested, that’s kind of creepy). i just passed 1000 followers and am going to post a little contest this week to say thank you!!
Posted in families, just for fun, lifestyle, my family, portraits, weddings 17 Comments »
Thursday, September 26th, 2013
sam & adriana.
adriana is warm. do you know what i mean? the impression she leaves on people is one of genuine care and interest. sam can be a bit hard for me to read at times as he knows how to work the cheeky grin…but at the same time, when he laughs, like really laughs, it’s hearty and you think to yourself “man. i must be really funny”. and then you walk away with a cheeky grin.
i’ve had the privilege of documenting some really special times in this sweet couples’ life, so i was excited when they called on me again to take some portraits for their first anniversary. i love the idea of celebrating these milestones with pictures and it was so fun to be invited on a trip to the garden centre as well as into their lovely home.
Tags: abbotsford lifestyle photographer, couples portraits, first anniversary session
Posted in lifestyle, portraits No Comments »