Monday, July 11th, 2016
the way hannah described their relationship was “comfortable” and that was certainly reflected in their wedding day. married barefoot under a willow tree followed by a family style dinner at long tables, kids running wild, adults drinking cider and everyone dancing into the night. it was the kind of day you didn’t want to end.
venue: dominion cider | hair & makeup & flowers & dress & mother of cute children: aly mcrae | amazing food: brodo’s kitchen | drinks: beer by barnaby mcrae and cider by dominion
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Friday, July 1st, 2016
if you ever see a massive plastic beach ball in the store and you think to yourself “why would I want a massive plastic beach ball?”, just buy it. hours upon hours of entertainment…followed by a few moments of intense fighting and pain. it’s all worth it, just ask my kids (during the entertainment part). more childhood unplugged stories can be found here!
Posted in childhood unplugged, families, lifestyle, my family No Comments »
Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
becoming a family of four can be a real challenge, especially when you have a toddler with a strong personality, but these lovelies are taking it all in stride. it doesn’t hurt when the newest addition is as adorable as otis is, either. i got to spend an early morning hanging out with them in their beautiful home and it was so sweet to see how they all care for one another, especially how the “little mama” looked out for her brother.
Posted in baby pictures, families, lifestyle 4 Comments »
Wednesday, June 1st, 2016
i have a confession to make. i have serious “little red hen” syndrome and if you don’t know what that is, i suggest you track down a copy of the book and give it a quick read. not sure where it came from, maybe it’s because i’m a middle child and slightly obsessed with fairness (insert sheepish grin). all that to say, when the kids say they want something in particular to eat, i’m usually pretty quick to say yes…as long as they help me make it. this time it was strawberry lemonade, so off the the fields we went, in search of “big, dark beauties” (as they like to call them).
this is part of a series called childhood unplugged – lots of other great stories can be found here!
Posted in childhood unplugged, families, lifestyle, my family 3 Comments »
Monday, April 4th, 2016
i’ve had a hard time putting this post together for a couple of reasons; one is that it was a whirlwind and i am struggling to summarize it in words. the other is that the first few days of images from our travels and the build were lost – my memory card was corrupted.
still, i wanted to share a little bit about what we chose to do with our spring break. at the end of last year, one of my goals was to serve more together as a family and to connect on a deeper level with other families in our small community. a couple of weeks later, i was approached by two moms who had kids the same age as ours about potentially going to mexico with an organization they were connected to. to do what, at the time, we didn’t know. i said we were interested right away as it meshed with the goals i mentioned, but as i thought about it more, i began to question whether it was a good fit. looking back, i’m so grateful that we decided to jump in with both feet as it ended up being such a positive time for all of us.
we found ourselves in a small town on a hill, just outside san quintin, mexico, building a three room house for a family of five who had previously been living in a shelter made of scraps of plastic, fibreglass and cardboard. our kids were on site with us all week, helping frame the walls, paint the trim, build bunkbeds and generally entertain the crew. we also had the opportunity to visit a local preschool to do crafts and use our poor spanish to make them laugh.
while there is so so much i could say from how proud i was of my kids to how encouraging it was to build a friendship with this sweet family who had never even dreamt of being able to have a home that was safe and dry, i will just say that this was so much more than a “good experience” – i want this to be our way of life. i want to be looking at ways to love and serve others, i want our kids to think beyond their own needs and try to figure out how to meet the needs of those around them. while i have zero notions about saving the world, i have also been reminded that the small ripples created by loving others in tangible ways can certainly change it for the better.
click here for more childhood unplugged stories!!
Tags: childhood unplugged, mexico, san quintin
Posted in childhood unplugged, families, lifestyle, my family 2 Comments »
Wednesday, January 20th, 2016
i first met shannon years ago at a wedding – she is a gifted photographer and had been asked by the bride to cover their wedding shooting film. it was so fun to run into her this past year when she was a bridesmaid at a wedding and i was even more thrilled when she called to ask me to document her and andrew’s journey into parenthood. their home is beautiful and their daughter is the sweetest, most delightful little being you’ve ever met. here’s little miss wynn and her adoring parents:
Posted in baby pictures, families, lifestyle 3 Comments »
Thursday, December 10th, 2015
the zacharias family. first there was quinn…she captured our hearts in a way we didn’t expect and left us wanting so so much more, but has stayed close by to remind us what hope looks like. second was asher…a man of few words, who is a sweet little ball of giggles and thoughtful stares and most definitely his mother’s son. and now beck…who will you be, little love? can’t wait to see.
Tags: abbotsford lifestyle photography, brothers, chilliwack family photographer, lifestyle newborn photos, vancouver family photographer
Posted in baby pictures, families, lifestyle 1 Comment »
Monday, November 16th, 2015
this family. there is so much that i would love to write, but since you likely don’t have hours to spend, i’ll give you a little background here and here. and now we are here. in their sweet and beautiful home, welcoming a sweet and beautiful baby into their loving arms.
Tags: abbotsford lifestyle photographer, newborn photos, vancouver family photography
Posted in baby pictures, lifestyle 2 Comments »
Thursday, October 1st, 2015
“we’re not really big hikers”, i said. “it’s okay”, she said,”neither are we.”
which could either be a recipe for disaster…or a really good time. aside from our kids eating most of the snacks in the infuriatingly long border line-up and a run-in with a terribly unfortunate (bordering on illegal) port-a-potty, it was definitely the latter. though you can always tell if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew when those coming down the mountain look at you with wide eyes as the 6 children file by saying things like, “good for you guys!” and “wow, brave of you to start so late in the day”.
see more stories of childhood unplugged here.
Posted in lifestyle 3 Comments »
Monday, August 3rd, 2015
it’s difficult to even know where to begin when describing the wonder that we experienced on our trip to yellowstone and back. every place was so uniquely beautiful. and the people were even better. when we were looking at our summer trying to plan a getaway, a strategically placed weekend off meant we could make our first trek to visit my sister and her family who live in mammoth on the northern edge of yellowstone park. our route was dictated by the desire to connect with dear friends in high river, so though we took the long way, it was well worth it.
one of the best things about this trip for me was how well our kids handled the inconsistency and the amount of time we spent in the car. we did our best to make fun stops for them and to give them lots of activity (and food) while we drove. books on tape, wildlife spotting, roadside rock skipping and the license plate game were our saviours.
so here it is, the journey from western british columbia to the shuswap to southern alberta to the united states border to northern montana and finally the edge of wyoming. some planned stops, some not, pictures taken from mountain tops and through car windows.
this doesn’t even include our trip back which brought us through idaho and eastern washington…but that will have to wait for now! check out all the other summer adventures of my childhood unplugged cohorts.
Tags: childhood unplugged
Posted in childhood unplugged, lifestyle 3 Comments »