Tuesday, January 24th, 2012
last year around this time, i was waiting with bated breath for my website to be finished so that i could share it with all of you. i was so happy with how it turned out (which has a little to do with me and A LOT to do with my friends joe malleck: web designer extraordinaire and beth mans: illustrator to the stars…or just to me :).
and what an amazing year it has been! my business has grown by leaps and bounds, i’ve met tons of amazing people and made new friends that i wouldn’t have otherwise and i’ve had so much fun creating.
so because you have spent the last year gifting me, it’s time for me to return the favor. i asked all of my 2011 clients to submit a picture that they loved. one that they wanted to grace the walls of their home. and now you get to choose who will win a 16X20 canvas from me.
all you have to do is:
1. go to facebook. like my page.
2. comment here after you’ve done so and vote on the picture that’s your favorite.
the person with the most votes….wins!!
now to make it a little more fun for all of you voters, i’ve called some of my amazingly talented, local vendor/creator friends and asked them to contribute a prize for YOU!! i will be doing three separate draws for gift baskets and a piece of refinished vintage furniture, so you have lots of opportunity to win.
in order to win the baskets, i’m going to ask you to visit each of the vendors’ facebook pages and like them. this is a must for you to win these amazing goodies.
let me tell you more about them (and follow the links to their pages)…
the orange circle (facebook): Bethany makes incredibly fun magnets and necklaces. Everytime I see her at a fair, I can’t help but buy something. She is also almost always smiling. It’s true. Check out her etsy shop!
the pink spatula (facebook): Tina is a culinary wizard. Her blog has amazing tips and information on cooking classes!
vintage home (facebook): Colleen is amazing – she has a great eye for design and knows how to make something beautiful out of things other people get rid of.
champion jack’s emporium (facebook): This is such a sweet store and a great addition to Abbotsford’s downtown core. If you haven’t been in to check out their huge collection of vintage clothing, you should go today! And if you’re not in abbotsford, find them on etsy.
birch + bird vintage home interiors (facebook) Rachel and Lily are the organizers of the Fieldstone Vintage Market. I’ve gotten to know them over the past year and they not only have great taste, but they are lovely people! Check out their blog…they have me imagining my dream home several times a week.
opechee handmade jewelry (facebook): Monica sells amazing upcycled jewelry. I recently bought an owl necklace from her and I get so many comments every time I wear it! She also sells on-line through etsy.
dolcetto designs (facebook): Shari makes beautiful custom cards! From birth announcements to wedding thank-yous…she’s the on you should call.
i will be posting pictures of all the amazing gifts you could win soon!
and now here are the 2011 client favorites in no particular order (number corresponds to the picture below it):
#1 (bride in pew)
#2 (family under tree)
#3 (kids on fence)
#4 (bride)
#5 (holding hands)
#6 (bride & groom with books)
#7 (three girls)
#8 (couple with tree and car)
#9 (family on couch)
#10 (legs. lots of them)
#11 (sisters)
#12 (the dress)
#13 (girls in shopping cart)
#14 (curls)
#15 (couple under tree)
#16 (holding hands)
#17 (baby girl)
#18 (couple by the river)
so remember:
1. like the sharalee prang photography facebook page
2. like the vendor pages
3. comment here on which picture is your favorite. good luck everyone!
Contest closes January 29th at 12 noon (PST). This promotion is in NO WAY sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. You will NOT be notified publicly via Facebook if you are a winner. You MUST be 18 to participate. Prizes do not have cash value. There will be no returns/exchanges on any of the items.
Tags: abbotsford photographer, birch + bird, champion jacks, contest, dolcetto designs, first anniversary, lower mainland photographer, opechee handmade jewelry, the orange circle, the pink spatula, vancouver wedding photographer
Posted in baby pictures, contest, engagement pictures, families, maternity, weddings 156 Comments »
Tuesday, December 20th, 2011
i was thinking about this past year and how to possibly sum it up in a way that would do it any justice. i just didn’t feel like i could do it in one post, so i’m going to drag it out a little, just for fun.
this year held “firsts” and “beginnings” for our family. there were job changes, living space adjustments, first days of school and general life evaluation. this was also the first year in the past 6 where i wasn’t pregnant or toting around a newborn. which is one change that i am welcoming with open arms :).
one of the reasons i can be okay with not having more babies of my own is that i get to cuddle all of yours! here are some of my favorite baby shots from this year.
this little lady was only hours old when i happened upon her brothers meeting her for the first time:
there were a lot of girls, come to think of it:
and some handsome gents in the mix for good measure:
this year also held one of the hardest things i’ve ever had to do in my life, which was saying good-bye to sweet zoe who was not only a gift to her family but also to me.
thank you for allowing me to share in one of the most exciting, exhausting, emotional and beautifully full times in your families’ lives. i am so thrilled that i got to be there just after they arrived and i look forward to seeing them grow!
Tags: 2011 wrap up, abbotsford baby photographer, chilliwack baby photographer, langley baby photographer, year in review
Posted in baby pictures 3 Comments »
Thursday, December 8th, 2011
when i met adam & bethany to do their maternity pictures, we had no idea that it would have been our last opportunity to take them. right after our session, bethany messaged me saying “we really feel SO glad to have that done as we are definitely feeling more ready to welcome this baby into our lives”. the night i posted them, bethany’s water broke.
though i don’t do a lot of pictures with props, these two are world travelers and intend to set out on more adventures as a family of three, so the suitcases seemed fitting.
oh what a blessed gift you hold in your arms! talk about glowing parents – through the tired eyes, i see that light and know that your lives will never be the same. love you!
Tags: abbotsford baby photographer, vancouver family photographer
Posted in baby pictures, families 6 Comments »
Monday, November 21st, 2011
this little princess is turning one. and when i say princess, i mean it: dressed to the nines, castle on a hill, doting “subjects”…she’s got it all.
Tags: abbotsford baby photographer, first birthday pictures
Posted in baby pictures 3 Comments »
Friday, October 28th, 2011
triple threat alert: andrianne is not only a gifted photographer, an amazing hair stylist and an incredible mom…she’s also super hot. and married to a great guy. which kind of seems unfair, you know? either way, when she asked if i would take some pictures of their newly expanded family, i jumped at the chance. i’ve said it before and will say it again: it’s such an honor when a fellow photographer asks me to take their picture. she had taken lots of the little man on his own, so we focused more on pictures of the three of them, which is so fun because my favorite thing about baby sessions is watching parents interact with these little creatures. so much genuine emotion…i just get to sit back and watch it unfold.
we fit a whole lot into about 30 minutes and these guys were such troopers. thank you again!
Tags: abbotsford family photographer, family pictures, kalai hair design and photography
Posted in baby pictures, families 1 Comment »
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
with this little, we got the best of both worlds. started off smooshed and sleepy and ended awake and happy. she’s a sweet one and reminds me of my babies because she’s got some meat on her bones 🙂
i had taken pictures of her cousin a week previous and am already imagining these two as best buds in a few years, getting into their mom’s make-up and torturing their older brothers with boy band music and girly attitude.
meet landon. he’s silly. i can’t imagine where he got it from…his parents are both so serious.
Tags: family pictures, maple ridge family photographer, sleeping baby, vancouver baby photographer
Posted in baby pictures, families 4 Comments »
Sunday, October 16th, 2011
another “theme” in my sessions lately has been some pretty sweet older siblings. the nurturing, tender, “make sure you take plenty of pictures of me too” kind. i love it.
this lovely family is busy these days merging the worlds of blue & pink, of trains & flowers. some might think those things would clash, but it looks to me like they fit just perfectly.
Tags: coquitlam family photographer, family pictures, new baby, vancouver photographer
Posted in baby pictures, families 3 Comments »
Friday, October 14th, 2011
so here they are again. and they’re just as “not photogenic” as they were in their maternity pictures (queue me rolling my eyes).
there’s something about seeing friends become parents that’s just really cool. their whole countenance changes…the way they look, the way they talk, the way they smile…it’s all new. all because of this crazy little bundle of life that makes their world complete and turns it upside down all at the same time. and those of us who are parents look on with knowing grins which hold a little “you had no idea, did you?” …and a lot of pride.
Posted in baby pictures, families 2 Comments »
Thursday, September 15th, 2011
they sat down once. or maybe twice. and that was it. we realized quickly there was no point in leashing the energy. i got my workout and they got some cute action shots 🙂
Tags: abbotsford family photographer, elwood park, fishtrap creek
Posted in baby pictures, families 1 Comment »