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2012: a year in pictures

i was so conflicted about how to encapsulate an entire year of pictures into one blog post.  all business?  all personal?  some of both?  none of either?  and i don’t like picking “favourites” because the reality is that there are beautiful moments in every.single.session and to decide one is “better” than another…just doesn’t sit right with me.  so what you’re going to get is a little bit of everything.  a whole bunch of moments bundled up into 4 minutes of your day you will (hopefully) be happy to have witnessed.

2012 was full of “feeling”.  i grieved this year.  a lot.  i cried alone and with others and alone again.  i was conflicted in my spirit over why this life is the way it is and wondered how beautifully good people could suffer so much.

at the same time, i rejoiced.  like there was no tomorrow.  i got to witness the very first breaths of a sweet new life and be present as another was released back into the hands of her creator.  i got to see a million first steps as married couples bounced down the aisle and see the tears of joy as their parents freed them to start their own families.  i saw my own kids eager to start school and comforted them when they returned to me with scrapes and bruises of all kinds. i got to cuddle warm little bundles and wiggly toddlers and watch as moms and dads reluctantly let go of their child’s hands so they could take a few wobbly independent steps.  maybe not all of that sounds like rejoicing to you, but to me it represents joy of every kind…what moulds us and shapes us and challenges us and gives us hope for the future.  in a word: life.  what a year.

(the song is paper house by lisa hannigan)

if you watch this and are stirred; if you see these people and wish it was you in those pictures; if you trust me to walk alongside you and the ones you love while you dance and play and enjoy each others company, then you are my client.  you are the one i want to serve.  call me.  email me.  just don’t be a stranger.  i can’t wait to meet you.

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19 Comments to “2012: a year in pictures”

  1. Rachel K says:

    You are amazing Sharalee!!!

  2. Natalie says:

    Love the slideshow and the song! SO good!!

  3. A. Joyce says:

    Great samplings of wonderful talent in capturing the ‘days of your lives’…I love that you include your fam too 🙂 lvu

  4. Sarah says:

    Very cool! Glad that you posted this even though you were thinking it was too late. I really need to get around to mine!

  5. Laura says:

    Incredible. I love how you chose: it felt like a summary of what life is about :D. Your photos are Magical. So special!

  6. katherine says:


  7. Amy says:

    Cannot wait for you to capture our family this summer. You have a sacred gift!

  8. Amber WOLF says:


  9. Hans Prang says:

    Beautiful. You’re amazing!

  10. Wow! Of course my favourites are the ones with people I am related too. :). Well done!

  11. Mark Kowal says:

    You done good! Beautiful mix of personal and biz and all with feeling, great job!

  12. Emily says:

    true and raw beauty.

  13. Lily says:

    That was so stunning Sharalee! What a year of captured moments and mixed emotions…you put it all together in such a beautiful way! Thanks for sharing 🙂